100% faster
Need to act fast? We can have you approved, onboarded and ready to trade quickly.

100% flexibility
Your expertise in growing grass and adding kilos matched with our expertise in livestock finance are a perfect fit.

100% simplicity
StockCo’s proven process is simple and straightforward – we provide the finance, you do the rest.
Utilise your grazing crops and maximise your kilos produced

At StockCo, we want to help you get the most
out of the season by turning your surplus
winter crops into profit.
There are great short term trades available for
producers with available winter grazing crops,
improved or native pastures – and StockCo’s
simple livestock finance can help you act when
you need to most.
How it Works

We provide the capital to purchase your livestock using only the livestock as security - reducing the risk for you.

Whilst we retain title of the livestock, you have the freedom to run your operation however you see fit.

At sale time, proceeds from the sale come to us and, once the purchase price and accrued interest is deducted, the profit’s paid directly to you.
Are YOU…
Growing winter
crops on your

Looking to make the most
of short term trading

Ready to act now
and maximise your