How it works

We pay for purchased store-lines, or release equity on your own livestock.

100% of the principal and interest is deferred until you sell.

You feed lambs or sheep towards the optimum weight and processor demand.

The trading margin is released to you, less purchase price, interest and normal sale costs.
Act quickly and maximise your profits
At StockCo, we understand how important it is to be able to react to the market conditions.

Currently, conditions are proving challenging for sellers experiencing a lack of rain. Whilst we hope the situation rapidly improves, it does mean there are current opportunities for those in a position to utilise their available pasture and crops.
These short-to-medium-term opportunities are available for buyers with pasture to buy ewes and lambs - and StockCo's simple livestock finance can fund the purchase and help you make the most of the conditions.
Do you...
Have available crops
and pasture to utilise
right now?

Want to make the most of
a fast-moving favourable

Need to act quickly
and maximise your