React to the rain and maximise your profits
At StockCo, we understand the unique demands of livestock ownership, and the
importance of being able to quickly react to the weather conditions.

If you want to capitalise on the wet weather by increasing your head, we can help.
Providing 100% livestock funding for breeding, backgrounding and finishing in a process that's simple, swift and stress-free, StockCo allows producers to maximise returns from existing operations and embrace the possibilities that come with increased rain.
Are you...
Ready to expand but
don't have the capital?

Keen to capitalise on
expected improved conditions?

Wanting to maximise your
profits in a simple, stress-free

If so, StockCo's 100% livestock agrifinance can make it happen.
How it works

We provide the capital to
purchase your livestock and use
only the livestock as security –
reducing the risk for you.

Whilst we retain title of the
livestock, you have the freedom
to run your operation however
you see fit.

When you decide to sell, proceeds
from the sale come to us and, once
the purchase price and accrued
interest is deducted, the profit's
paid directly to you.