Weekly Wool Forwards for week ending 10TH May 2019

A busy week on the forwards market, the first in quite a while, with 14 trades agreed. The lions share of the market has leant heavily into medium fibers, where 9 trades for 19 micron were agreed, most looking far into the future.
In the fine fibers, one trade was agreed for 18 micron in June for 2,340¢.
For 19 micron wool, one trade was dealt for July at 2,245¢. For 2020, two trades were agreed for July at 2,150¢, one for October at 2,155¢ and one for November at 2,125¢. For 2021, one trade was dealt for January, March, April and June, all agreeing at 2,155¢, a true testament to the flat forward curve. In 21 micron, one trade was dealt for June at 2,250¢.
In course fibers, one trade was dealt for 28 micron in June, agreeing at 1,250¢ and one for February 2021 at 935. One trade was dealt for 30 micron in August for 900¢.