Weekly Wool Forwards for week ending 18th May 2019

A solid week in the amount of forwards trades this week, especially for crossbreds which were collateral damage in this weeks’ auction market falls. Bets are on to see if prices continue to drop or level out again so it’ll be interesting to see developments in the coming weeks.
For 19 micron wool, one trade was dealt for June and agreed at 2,185¢. In 21 micron, two trades were dealt, one for June at 2,170¢ and one for August at 2,130¢.
In course fibers, four trades were dealt for 28 micron, two in June, agreeing at 1,100¢ & 1,200¢; one for January 2020 at 1,020¢ and one for August 2020 agreed at 1,000¢.