Weekly Wool Forwards for week ending 22 February 2019

Last week we tipped more activity on the forwards market in the coming weeks. What we didn’t expect, was the driving force behind the spike to come from South Africa. With China suspending all greasy imports from SA, overseas buyers have pounced on the Australian market to secure supplies through this uncertainty.
Sixteen trades dealt in total over the week, despite a lift in the AUD to 0.716 in US terms.
In the fine wool category, 19 micron wool traded at 2,310¢ for May 2019. Contracts for October 2019 dealt in a wide range between 2,190¢ and 2,260¢, while November saw deals struck at 2,200¢ and 2,225¢.
Sellers were happy to look well ahead to lock in some prices. February 2020 contracts traded at 2,200¢ for the 19 micron. Deals were also struck for October and December 2020, and even January 2021, at an agreed price of 2,075¢.
In the medium fibre category, we saw 21 micron at 2,290¢ for February 2019. June 2019 landed two deals at 2,240¢ and 2,260¢, while October and November traded at 2,150¢.