
Market Update – Independent Agents Weaner Sale – Hamilton

Jan 10, 2023
StockCo’s National Business Development Manager Chris Howie provides a quick overview of the Independent Agents Weaner Sale at Hamilton, Victoria.

4,000 Angus weaners were yarded for the sale on the 9th of January, 2023. Majority well weaned and in excellent condition to go straight onto feed or grass without any bellow. Credit to the vendors and very well drafted by respective agents.

Majority of competition were bullock fatteners and backgrounders from Western districts, Gippsland and SA. Feedlots did operate in a limited fashion and were selective on bloodlines. Several feedlots did purchase backgrounding weights to go on grass.

Buying support definitely changed through the weight grades with local and SA agencies providing the price floor for the calves right through the sale. As with previous sales many buyers are very price sensitive and stopped at their limits instead of pushing the market higher.

Many well-presented EU lines that created additional competition but did not necessarily stay in the system. A+ was active but only purchased limited numbers.

Indicative prices (There may have been the odd higher or lower)

Market Overview

  • 400kg+ $4.60 – $5.16 (c/kg)
  • 350 – 400kg $4.60 – $5.04
  • 300 – 350kg $4.80 – $5.22
  • 250 – 300kg $5.00 – $5.40 most around $5.20 – $5.30

Quality of Black Baldies saw them equal to a 10 cent discount that was well covered by weight for age.

Maybe worth looking at orders for the next few days as weight of numbers may come to bear on price.

StockCo specialise in livestock funding. If you or your clients want to start trading in 2023, our Regional Livestock managers are happy to have a chat.

General Advice Warning
The information contained in this article is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice.