How it Works
Three easy steps

We finance 100% of your livestock purchase
including GST…
StockCo take title to the livestock which means we are
responsible for the GST and finance charges only accrue on the
GST exclusive amount.

Whether for two months or twelve
months, the StockCo funding model lets
you concentrate on getting the best results
within your program...
whilst we retain title of the livestock – meaning you have the
freedom to run your operation however you see fit.

At sale time, we collect the principal and
finance costs and release the trading margin
as you sell...
providing real-time cashflow as the profit is paid directly to you.
apply nowFrequently asked questions about trading finance
StockCo provides livestock finance facilities to customers that satisfy the following criteria:
- Existing livestock producer with greater than 3 years experience.
- Own existing livestock producing property, but can also have other leasing or agistment arrangements.
- Previous experience dealing in the proposed livestock class the customer is seeking finance for.
StockCo makes decisions based on its own internal credit criteria that may include, but isn’t limited to the above criteria. See the ready to trade with StockCo page for further information on the application process.
StockCo evaluates each application and apply a finance rate that reflects the underlying strength of your application. Call us to discuss our market competitive rates.
We finance sheep and cattle for trading or breeding purposes. Currently we don’t finance dairy cattle, sire bulls and rams, stud livestock, goats and pigs.
You can apply by completing our online application form or download a form from our documents page.
You can lodge your application with any of our approved distribution partners or directly with StockCo. To find a local distribution partner near you please contact us on 1800 283 447 or via email at [email protected].
In most cases we will visit you on farm to ensure we have a thorough understanding of your business and your goals.
After your application is lodged it will go through our Ready to Trade process.
We have a preferred minimum limit of $100,000, although we will consider applications for smaller amounts where there are reasonable prospects to grow over time.
There is no maximum facility limit. StockCo has engaged in a number of transactions greater than $10 million.
We take security directly over the livestock that we have funded. We register our interest in the livestock on the Personal Property Security Register. We also track livestock movements via the National Livestock Identification System Database. Additionally, in the event that our customer is not the owner of the business assets, we may require a guarantee.
In some instances, StockCo may require other security agreements following its assessment of the customer.
- Yes, subject to approval, we will advance funds as a Stock Advance against livestock you already own, so long as they are intended to be sold within 12 months.
- In most cases your existing livestock will be captured by your bank’s security and we will require a release from any security holders before we can advance funds against existing livestock
Generally StockCo will provide a decision on applications within 2 business days of receipt of all necessary information.
- Once your application is approved we aim to have loan documents to you within 2 business days.
- You are able to commence trading as soon as we receive properly executed documents and have completed our security registration.
Our Buying and Selling Instructions are contained in the document section of this website
StockCo recommends you take out insurance to cover your financial obligation for the livestock.
Our strategy is to enhance your relationship with your existing bank, by providing an opportunity for you to generate greater returns from your existing livestock business, without impacting your existing arrangements with your bank.
We do this by taking direct security over the livestock we fund and by taking guarantees from major asset owning people or entities.
Generally, StockCo will accept the following forms of repayment:
- Sale proceeds of financed livestock (sent directly to StockCo from purchaser)
- Sale of progeny
- Sale of culls and empties
- Wool sales
- Cash
- Stock Advance against progeny or other stock*
* We recommend that where a customer indicates from the outset that they wish to complete a Stock Advance against the progeny to pay the principal, that they discuss this with their bank from the outset.
You can pay out your obligations to StockCo at any time with no penalties, however all trades have a maximum term of up to a year where livestock need to be sold by. This may be extended subject to StockCo's consent.