Weekly Wool Forwards for week ending 20th September 2019

Futures contracts have been chugging along with eleven trades this week.
We saw one trade for 18 Micron wool, agreeing at 1,800¢ for March 2020.
For 19 Micron wool, five trades dealt. One trade was agreed at 1,755¢ for October and for November, one trade agreed at 1,720¢. Two trades were dealt for December, agreeing between 1,710¢ and 1,720¢.
For 21 Micron wool, four trades dealt, one for October at 1,620¢. One trade was dealt for January, May and June 2020 and these agreed at 1,630¢, 1,580¢ and 1,600¢ respectively.
One trade was dealt on 28 micron wool, agreeing at 900¢ for October.
Confidence continues to be evident in the forward market, even while the auction market volatility is still on the mind. Prices and interest could change in a heartbeat as the future really is uncertain.