Tag: Opportunities

Buyers selective

The recent pattern of buyers chasing after the small offering of quality wool, while at the same time finding an over supply of drought effected types continued.

While this pattern of supply is broadly following a well-worn seasonal path, the situation is at the current elevated levels because of the drought. It will take some time for this to flow through with wool shorn over the next 6 months at least also drought effected.

Auction volumes to the end of March make interesting reading, especially when broken down by category. AWEX figures show that comparing year on year the overall volume of wool offered for auction is 11.5% lower. However, as an example, the 16 MPG is 20.4% higher, with the 19 MPG 5.6% lower. However, as a result of the dry conditions, the big mover is the medium microns. The 21 MPG is down a massive 47.8% compared to last year; this helps understand some of the reasons for the current market dynamic.

To re-enforce the drought effect, AWEX noted that 30% of Merino fleece this week was yielding less than 60%.

The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) again fell 16 cents to 1,947 cents. The Au$ fell back below the US $0.71 mark, with the EMI in US$ terms also losing 21 cents to end the week at 1,382 US cents (Table 1).

In Fremantle, the Western Market Indicator (WMI) declined by 5 cents to finish at 2,099 cents.

37,405 bales were offered for sale this week, 5,724 less than last week with the trade clearing 32,979. This is 5,722 fewer bales than last week, with the pass-in rate remaining in double digit figures at 11.8%.

In the auction weeks since the winter recess, 1,092,065 bales have been cleared to the trade, 199,596 fewer than the same period last year. The average shortfall cleared to the trade compared to the same time last year now sits at 6,438 bales per week fewer.

The dollar value for the week was $67.22 million for a combined value of $2.555 billion so far this season. A simple calculation of $ value divided by bales sold gives us $2,038 per bale across all types.

Crossbreds again were the only category to see improvements this week, lifting 10 to 20 cents, however the Cardings sector continued to decline losing 30 to 40 cents.

The week ahead

The roster for next week predicts an offering of 38,212 bales followed by 35,945 and 41,055 in the weeks proceeding.

Red Alert for the season?

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has put the country on alert. Last week they updated the El Niño tracker to ‘alert’ status. Their view is that there is a 70% chance of an El Niño forming in Autumn. We thought this was an opportune time to look at both El Niño & La Niña, and what it means for the nation’s wheat production.

According to the BOM, ‘El Niño’s often lead to drier conditions over large parts of Australia, while La Niña’s tend to enhance rainfall over much of the continent’. However, it must be noted that not every drought is associated with El Niño nor every wet year with La Niña.

In this analysis we examine the El Niño and La Niña events which have been considered moderate to strong from 1960 to determine what impact these events have on grain production. The analysis will examine the year on year change in wheat production.

In figure 1, we see the year-on-year impact of El Niño split into east coast and west coast. In the period 1960-2015, 7 of 11 El Niño years have recorded a reduction in wheat production, with 6 of these years recording a > 20% reduction. In Western Australia the impact of El Niño has been less negative, with 6 out 11 event years recording an increase. However, only two of these years record > 20% increase. In addition, during the years of production decline, 3 of these years recorded large production falls of > 20%.

The year-on-year impact of La Niña is displayed on both the east and west coasts as highlighted in figure 2. In the period 1960-2015, there have been 8 La Niña events. The east coast during these La Niña events experienced 6 years where production has been higher, with 4 being >15% and 2 events where production reduced by >20%. The impact of La Niña in WA has caused 4 out of 8 years to have a production contraction, with 3 of those years having a >20% decline. The La Niña years with an increase in production in WA have resulted in smaller increases than the east coast with the exception of 1988.

In both figure 1 & 2, it is evident that since the mid 1980’s in Australia El Niño events have overall been negative for crop production and La Niña events have been positive, with the exception of 2010 in WA.

In figure 3, the year-on-year impact of La Niña & El Niño is detailed at a global level. During an El Niño year we can determine that production was reduced in 6 years out of 11, and increased in 5 years with no changes of more than 10% on a global level. During La Niña years, global production has increased in 3 out of 8 years, whilst production has decreased in 5 years.

Key points:

  • El Niño events tend to have a larger negative impact on east coast Australian production, with 6 out of 11 moderate to strong El Niño years recording >20% decrease.
  • La Niña events tend to result in increased production on the east coast, especially in events since the mid 1970’s which may be due to more efficient water use.
  • La Niña years in Western Australia tend to be more subdued with lower production gains, and a higher chance of reduced production.

What does this mean?
The reality is that El Niño is a factor which can influence Australian weather patterns, however it’s not necessarily an indicator of whether a drought will form.

A good example is the past season which has neither El Niño or La Niña and the country has experienced a horrific drought.

The BOM haven’t yet announced El Niño as being in effect, so it’s all speculation at the moment. There is still a long way to go between now and harvest, and with such a volatile climate anything can and will happen.

Weekly Wool Forwards for week ending 29th March 2019

Last week, we had no wool trades but saw a couple of rare cotton forward agreements. This week, wool trades came back, with six agreements, most of these in the medium wool category. Looking back at forwards for this month, there was just 18 agreed trades, the lowest number since December and the lowest March total since 2016.

In the fine wool category, one trade was dealt for 19 Micron in April for 2,290¢. In the medium wool category, five trades were dealt for 21 Micron with two agreed at 2,250¢ in June, and three at 2,095¢ in October.

Looking at the Aussie Dollar trend since the start of March, we see a single small downward movement at the start of the month followed by a relatively stable curve, with a couple of forays above 71¢. In fact, today we’re nearly exactly at the same price as at the start of the month. Over the month we’ve seen a gradual overall cooling of physical auction prices that can be traced back to lower quality wools presenting more frequently.

Where have all the good wools gone?

The prevalence of poor quality wool has dragged the market down for a fourth week in a row. Lower style types were discounted by around 20 to 40 cents from last week’s base and this was enough to pull most individual Merino categories down.

AWEX reported that many of the lower styles also possessed poor additional measurements. These styles made up the highest proportional level of the Merino fleece offering since 2010. This week’s analysis piece looked into the drought implications on this seasons wool specifications and is worth a read (view here).

The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) fell 16 cents to 1,963 cents. Improvements in the Au$, back above the US $0.71 mark, helped lift the EMI in US$ terms slightly. It rose 5 cents to end the week at 1,403 US cents (Table 1).

In Fremantle, the Western Market Indicator (WMI) declined by 23 cents to finish at 2,104 cents.

43,129 bales were offered for sale this week, 2,344 more than last week with the trade clearing 38,701. This is 3,019 more bales than last week, however, sellers are still not satisfied with the market levels, passing in 10.3% of bales.

In the auction weeks since the winter recess, 1,059,086 bales have been cleared to the trade, 191,241 fewer than the same period last year. The average shortfall cleared to the trade compared to the same time last year now sits at 6,374 bales per week fewer.

The dollar value for the week was $81.54 million for a combined value of $2.487 billion so far this season. A simple calculation of $ value divided by bales sold gives us $2,189 per bale across all types.

Crossbreds were the only category to see improvements this week. Gains of 10 to 20 cents were recorded in Melbourne. The Cardings sector felt the biggest cut of the week. Across the three indicators, declines of 30 to 70 cents were recorded from last week’s sales.

The week ahead

The roster for next week predicts an offering of 38,950 bales with further falls to 37,787 and 35,735 in the weeks proceeding. The lower offerings over the next few weeks may bring about added support for the better-quality wools. Whether there will be enough presented compared to the lower styles to lift the overall market remains to be seen.

Grain Traders: Another one bites the dust.

In this week’s market commentary, we discuss some good news in the barley market. Unfortunately, it is not good news all round though with the voluntary administration of mid-tier grain trader Lempriere Grain.

In recent weeks, we have been discussing concerns around the looming investigation by China into anti-competitive dumping of barley. If found against Australia, this will be negative for pricing which we have already seen with the deterioration of pricing (figure 1).

However overnight Saudi Arabia is tendering for a massive 720kmt of feed barley which will help with the demand side of the equation. These shipments are for the following periods

2nd half may – 180kmt red sea

1st half June – 240kmt red sea, 60kmt Gulf

2nd half June – 180kmt red sea, 60kmt Gulf

After falling for a number of weeks the wheat market has found its floor (at the moment) and has risen 2% since the start of the week, resulting in a A$2/mt increase in the December futures price (figure 2). The A$ has increased due to robust data and if the dollar was at the same level as Monday would have seen prices around A$1.6 higher.

In unfortunate news, the Victorian-based grain trader Lempriere Grain has entered voluntary administration. The business is owned by Starcom Resources (50%) and two companies owned by Will Lempriere. Their website has been removed, however, the archive is available on the link here.

There have been claims of slowing of payments in recent months. Then during the past week, the business stopped answering calls according to news reports. This was clearly of great concern to those who have outstanding debts with the business both to farmers and service suppliers.

It is likely that the losses will be substantial. Discussions with just a few trade participants would put the tally to at least $4m. The businesses impacted will now face a long and stressful slow to try and get their owed funds back.

I recommend that growers read the following two articles:

3 tips to minimise counterparty risk

Protect yourself from receivership with a PPSR

What does it mean/next week?:

The weather is the primary factor to keep an eye on in the coming week. There is substantial rainfall forecast across much of QLD and NSW, which will help provide some subsoil moisture to parched areas.

On the other side of the Pacific, the US is experiencing some big floods which although not yet impacting upon pricing, could delay spring planting.

Mutton firms despite elevated supply

A bit of a mixed bag for lamb price movements this week across the Eastern states, with Restocker, Trade Lambs and Mutton the only categories to see a price lift. Mutton prices remained remarkably strong in the face of elevated yarding and slaughter throughout much of March.

NSW saleyards are where the bulk of the sheep are being presented, with average weekly throughput levels during March sitting 43% above the five-year trend and 30% higher than in 2018. The increased NSW mutton yarding has helped to lift the overall East coast levels during March to see average weekly levels trending 22% above the March average pattern – Figure 1.

Throughput is not the only elevated supply measure for mutton with East coast mutton slaughter also remaining elevated during March – Figure 2. Both NSW and Victorian mutton slaughter are contributing to the increased East coast total slaughter. Average weekly NSW mutton slaughter during March have been running 27% higher than the five-year average, while Victorian mutton slaughter has been 23% higher. The two states combining to see East coast slaughter averaging weekly slaughter levels that are 11% higher than the five-year pattern.

Despite the weight of supply, mutton prices managed to gain nearly 5% this week to creep back above 400¢/kg cwt, closing the week at 413¢. The prospect of rain from tropical cyclones pushing further into the southern regions in the coming week also seemed to spur on Restocker Lamb prices to see them gain over 4% to close at 644¢ – Figure 3.

The benchmark Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator (ESTLI) managed a milder 1% lift to see it close at 647¢/kg cwt.

What does it mean/next week?:

Remnant moisture from the cyclone activity in Northern Queensland is expected to make its way into Southern regions this week, with NSW benefitting from 10-25mm falls across much of the state. It is probably not heavy enough, nor going to be sustained for long enough, to make a significant impact upon price while supply remains elevated but could encourage some minor gains.

Season improving and reflecting in prices

It looked like cattle prices were headed into the abyss, but then sellers and buyers alike saw a bit of rain on the radar and started to think they were a bit cheap. And up prices go, quicker than they came down in fact.

After a brief foray below 400¢, the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) retraced the heavy losses of early March this week. Figure 1 shows the EYCI finishing Thursday at 441.25¢/kg cwt. With delayed yarding data it’s a bit hard to gauge if it was supply or demand.

Looking purely at Roma, the country’s biggest store market, calf supply fell from 1,032 head last week to 215 head this week. The good rain through parts of southern and central Queensland obviously had an impact on supply.

While store and restocker prices rallied, most other categories also found some upside. The most expensive indicator in the country remains the MSA yearling in WA, at 580¢/kg cwt. In the east, Victorian Heavy Steers gained 18¢ to get back to 511¢.

Live export cattle prices fell heavily this week, at least in Darwin where Light Steers fell 40¢ back to 300¢/kg cwt. In Townsville prices were steady, but remain cheaper at 285¢/kg lwt. The floods don’t seem to have impacted prices too much.

Export beef prices held steady this week, and remain at the top of their range.  It’s hard to see beef supply improving from here, and forcing export prices lower, but we know that local supply isn’t the only driver of world beef markets.

Next week:

Figure 2 shows follow up rain for parts of Queensland spinning out of cyclone Trevor.  There is a pretty good chance this rain will see cattle prices at least steady, and probably continue to move higher.

The season isn’t assured yet, but as prices suggest, it’s looking a lot better than it was just two weeks ago.

Stock levels at the importer level

The current projections for the global crop are relatively positive. World production could be high, however there is still a long way to go. In this update we look at the stock levels held by the major importers of wheat.  

At present global wheat stocks are currently at the second highest level in history. However,  52% of the stocks are held within China (Figure 1). I have been discussing this as a growing issue for over a year (see here), so hardly a new piece of information to arrive in the market.

China as a nation is a large producer and have huge stockpiles in their inventory, yet it very rarely sees the light of day in the export market. The average exports from China since the turn of the decade have been 917kmt. The largest year of exports since 1960 was in 2007/08 with 2.8mmt. The high domestic price in China (Gov intervention) and historical precedence would point to China being unlikely to come to the aid of the global trade.

When Chinese stocks are excluded from the global situation, the world is sitting on similar levels of stocks to 2008/09 and 2012/13.

There was one big difference which isn’t regularly discussed. The stocks held by major importers of wheat. Agricultural markets work on a basis of supply and demand, however at times, we forget the demand side of the picture.

The major wheat importers in the world* seem to have learned some hard lessons from the past. The beginning stocks for this season are sitting at comfortable levels. The combined stocks at the end of this season will be the second highest on record at 22.3mmt.

Effectively import nations on a whole are better positioned for supply shocks, however a major distribution to supply would still result in price rises.

*Algeria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Philippines & Turkey

What does it mean/next week?:

The world stocks (excl China) are at similar levels to 2008/09 & 2012/13, which were years when prices reacted strongly.

However, the import destinations are sitting on respectable stock levels.

Key Points

  • World stock levels excluding China are at similar levels to 2008/09 & 2012/13
  • The stocks held by major importers are at respectable levels.

What the.. rainfall.

When the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) say their forecast accuracy at this time of the year is poor they aren’t kidding. Just a fortnight ago I was lamenting the poor rainfall forecast issued by the BOM in late February and just yesterday they issued a complete turnaround. Too bad it hasn’t flowed through to cattle market prices yet.

The April to June forecast shows a 50/50 chance of rainfall exceeding the median from April to June for most of the country, which is a pretty good outlook considering just a fortnight ago half of the country had a less than 20-30% chance of exceeding the median – Figure 1. Indeed, the only significant regions not likely to see rain is the far northern tip of Queensland and that’s a good thing given the recent soaking there.

Unfortunately, the extended dry conditions and the dire outlook from a fortnight ago saw many producers in Queensland and NSW offload cattle, such that East coast yardings have remained elevated for the last few weeks – Figure 2. Since the start of March average weekly cattle yarding levels have been 33% higher than the five-year average pattern across the East coast.

A breakdown across the Eastern states shows that in Queensland weekly yarding levels have been trending above average all season. The average yarding level in Queensland has been 46% higher than the five-year pattern since the start of 2019, but since the start of March this has jumped to 67% above the five-year average.

In NSW cattle throughput has been trending 12% above the five-year average pattern since the start of the year. However, since the beginning of March this has lifted to 50% above the average seasonal trend.

Victoria has been bucking the trend, with cattle yarding levels 23% below the five-year average since the start of 2019 and average weekly levels in Victoria since March haven’t been dissimilar at 24% below the long-term seasonal trend.

The supply of younger cattle in the northern saleyards has seen the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) slide to lows not seen since 2014 and has closed the week at 393¢/kg cwt. We are at crucial support levels now for the EYCI and after registering a mid-week low towards 385¢ managed to see price climb back towards 400¢ in the final days of the week.

In a further sign of optimism Trade, Medium and Heavy Steers along the East coast all managed a price gain this week to see them rally between 15-30¢/kg. Gains were also noted for the Western Young Cattle Indicator (WYCI) and the 90CL frozen cow export price, up 5% and 2% on the week – respectively (Figure 3).

Next week

The spread discount of the EYCI to the 90CL is now in excess of 260¢/kg cwt and is beyond levels that would be considered historically extreme. Indeed, the only time we saw the spread discount extend beyond these levels was during the depths of the 2014/15 drought and it only lasted there for a short time.

Given the updated BOM outlook for rainfall, the fact that we are at crucial support levels for the EYCI, and that the 90CL is continuing to hold firm I can’t help but think that we are at the bottom of the current cycle for the EYCI right now. As the BOM forecast shows we can always be wrong…  but I’ll eat my hat if the EYCI keeps dropping in the next few weeks.

Short sellers take profits.

After two months of almost continual declines, this week saw a strong rebound on profit-taking by short sellers. On Tuesday the Chicago market in A$/mt rose 5% or $11. The market was very short and the risks will now start to increase as the growing period progresses.

The volatile northern hemisphere market should now start to ramp up. The current outlook is reasonably favourable for the global crop, however, all that could change between now and August. Any bad news will be likely to see huge reactions, which will potentially provide pricing opportunities.

The Chinese government are yet to announce the result of their anti-dumping investigation, leaving us all on tenterhooks. In January barley exports to China were down 58%  compared to December, signifying de-risking by traders to avoid any potential un-costed tariffs/deposits.

However, pricing for feed barley has improved strongly in Western Australia (Kwinana) rising from $268 at the start of the month to $295 yesterday, back to levels in late January. Although according to sources in WA, there is little unsold by producers, it’s a good time to consider offloading old crop.

The BOM released their updated three-month rainfall projection yesterday. Although these projections can be highly dubious due to the nature of predicting weather events, they do point towards the majority of the country receiving median rainfall during the period April-June. Let’s hope they are wrong and we experience above average rainfall for this period and beyond!

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What does it mean/next week?:

Will the funds continue to close their short positions, or will we see a bearish tone descend back on the market?