Month: July 2019

IGC numbers out but no surprises

The International Grains Council (IGC) released their June projections last night, with the changes in production largely expected.  The IGC might have disappointed a little on the corn and soybean front, with prices easing, while wheat stayed at its peak despite growing production.

The headline numbers out of the IGC Grain Market Report were a 2% reduction in forecasted corn production in 19/20.  The year on year fall in corn production is expected to be 3%.  There was little movement in corn markets last night, with CME Corn losing a little ground.

The IGC also cut soybean production for the coming season.  Soybeans were pegged 3.5% lower than the last projection, and 3.8% lower than last year.  Again, the declines in world production was largely expected, with soybean futures also easing marginally.

The IGC raised their wheat production forecast marginally, which took the year on year rise to 5%.  The wheat market ignored the increased production, and the falls in corn and soybeans to remain steady.  Recent dry weather concerns in Europe and the Black Sea regions have not been taken into account in the IGC forecasts, and the market is factoring in some weakening in production.

Figure 1 shows CBOT wheat and corn futures, and both are coming up against resistance at 550 and 450¢/bu respectively.  Given the still heavy supply forecasts for wheat it’s hard to see it gaining too much more ground without some serious cuts in production.

CBOT wheat is also finding some support from a slow harvest.  To last Sunday just 15% of US winter wheat was harvested.  This was well behind last year, and the five year average, of 39% and 34% respectively.

What does it mean/next week?:

There is more rain forecast for the US this week, so harvest is likely to remain slow, and support for prices continue.  The higher AUD this week has taken some of the shine of swap pricing, with figure 2 showing it’s not quite back at highs.  Even though it’s not at $300, swaps still look reasonably attractive.  A slow harvest in the US doesn’t mean the grain isn’t there, it might be downgraded, but should still see some harvest pressure when it dries out enough.

Market says “no”!

The question last week was “is this the bottom?” We had a clear answer this week,in the short term the market pain is still coming. Again a small offering was met with a lack of confidence (read lack of orders) from buyers and their processor customers; this resulted in the market reaching its lowest point since December 2017.

The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) shaved off nearly 3% to close the week at 1715¢/kg clean. A higher Australian dollar limited the market falls in US$ terms with the US$ EMI only easing 1.5%. The improving Australian dollar value seemingly adding to offshore buyer disinterest in our wool this week despite the relatively low offering.

AWEX report that the EMI has lost 172 cents in June; this has only been surpassed in March 1991 when the Reserve Price Scheme was abolished. In percentage terms, the EMI has retreated 9.1%, the largest fall since August 2012.

29,167 bales were offered at Sydney, Melbourne & Fremantle, almost 10,000 more than last week with W.A. back in the market. The pass in rate across the selling centres jumped to 20.0% for the week, well up on last week’s 12.8%. Fremantle passed in 1 in 3 bales offered, this meant that 23,332 bales were cleared to the trade, 6,500 fewer than the corresponding week last year.

Crossbreds also recorded falls, although not to the full extent as the Merino section, losses of 30 to 50 cents was common.

This week marked the final trading session for the 2018/19 season and an assessment of the offering during this season shows that bales offered have declined nearly 12% on the volumes offered during the 2017/18 selling season. A falling market on reduced supply can only signal one thing, weaker demand.

Certainly reports from wool exporters suggest the ongoing trade issues between China and the US have impacted consumer sentiment within the Chinese economy and have offshore wool buyers a bit spooked.

The week ahead

Next week a combined offering of just over 34,500 bales is rostered across all selling centres, with a further 35,000 the following week before the winter recess.

AWEX make the point that the first sale in the new financial year is usually a larger one with growers clearing wool held over, however the current roster is well down on the same period last year, where over 37,000 bales were acrtually sold in each of the first 2 sales.

Weekly Wool Forwards for week ending 21st June 2019

Nine trades were dealt on the forwards market this week, most of them in 19 micron wool, a bit of a slap in the face after predicting quieter markets, but healthy for the forwards market.

Seven trades were dealt in 19 micron wool. One agreed for July at 2,025¢, two agreed for August at 1,985¢ and 2,045¢, quite a discrepancy of 60¢. One trade was dealt for September and agreed at 1,905¢ while two trades were agreed for October at 1,900¢ and 1,915¢.

Two trades were dealt in 21 micron wool, both for December. One agreed at 1,900¢ and the other at 1,920¢.

It’s hard to predict what might be ahead for the forward market as auction supply continues to dwindle. Furthermore, a falling auction market fosters doubt and hesitance among participants in the forward market and makes for thin and volatile trading.