Tag: Opportunities

We’ve got an indicator at $10

Lamb supply continues to contract and with it, prices are on the rise, mostly.  There were a couple of negative spots, especially in the restocker department, but we did see an indicator break through the extraordinary 1000¢ level.

New South Wales was where the action was at. The NSW Heavy Lamb Indicator was the first to break through the $10 mark.  NSW Heavy Lambs gained 28¢ this week to hit 1005¢/kg cwt (Figure 1).  Last year the peak in prices saw NSW Heavy Lambs leading the charge as well, no doubt dry times makes them hard to produce and in short supply.

It is especially hard to carry heavy lambs through when prices have been at record levels for more than a month.

Mutton also broke through resistance this week.  NSW (Figure 2) and Victorian Mutton Indicators both moved through 600¢, posting 624 and 620¢/kg cwt respectively. This time last year Mutton prices were falling, but the lack of stock left and the better season are now driving prices to new highs.

There were losers this week despite the records.  Restocker lambs eased back to the 800-820¢ range. Old season lamb demand is waning as the risk of cutting teeth increases, while no one seems to be selling restocker suckers in the saleyards.

On Auctionsplus restocker suckers are making more than $10. There was one lot of first cross ewe lambs which made $20/kg cwt. They were very light, but $150/hd for a 20kg lwt lamb is extraordinary.

Things are good in the West, but not as good as the east. The WATLI gained 31¢ to 853¢/kg cwt (Figure 3) and is not far off the record high set in June. WA Mutton did hit a record however, rising 34¢ to 518¢/kg cwt.

Next week?:

The coming month will be intriguing for lamb and sheep markets. A lot will depend on how quickly new season lamb producers can get weight into lambs and get them to market. There can’t be many old season lambs left.

Rollercoasters also go down.

In the past week A$18 has been lost from the December CBOT wheat futures, back to mid-May levels.

Figure 1 outlines the movements of the wheat market since the start of the season. The reasons for the recent falls are as follows:

  • Harvest has commenced in parts of the US. This has prompted a fast pace of selling by producers, and the extra supplies has pushed down the bids offered by buyers. This is a similar pattern that we see in Australia during harvest.
  • Many parts of the US still in the growing phase are set to receive beneficial weather over the coming weeks.
  • US export sales remain poor as other origins come on stream. This has pressured the US market to fall in order to remain competitive.

In recent weeks the ASX market has fallen, and it would be expected that the large fall overnight will see pressure on local bids. At present ASX-CBOT basis for the harvest period is at the highest level since the start of July (+A$60).

This period of the year is always one of great volatility, with this year being no exception. In recent years there has been a rally during midyear followed closely by a crash (Figure 2). This year has probably been the most bullish environment, however the question remains whether there will be a rebound after recent falls or whether the pattern of recent years will continue.

In other news, rumours abound of very slow payments being made by a grain trader. At present these are just rumours, so no names cannot be given due to the potential legal ramifications. However, I advise that you read this article I produced around the time of the Lempriere Grain collapse.

As an extra piece of advice. Do not accept any excuses/promises if you are well overdue on receiving payment.

What does it mean/next week?:
The trade is still waiting for fresh data to determine what the corn acreage is likely to be. I have a feeling that most will have made their assumptions and when the data comes out the speculators will likely provide a short boost, but it may be short lived.

There are decent weather forecasts for the southern growing region over the next fortnight. As seems to be the case the norther regions in NSW & QLD seem to be missing out again.

The market skew

In this analysis we look at the overall Chicago wheat each year since 1973 to examine the skewness of the market. This provides an indication of how far the market trades from the normal distribution and provide some insight into where prices have historically been.

In this article, we are going to look at the ‘skewness’ of the wheat market over an extended period of time.  To start with, it is important to define what we mean by skewness. Many of you will be aware of the normal distribution or bell curve (Figure 1). The bell curve describes a symmetrical data distribution where the results will be 50% below or above the peak, with most (or 68%) being close to the mean.

The skewness of a distribution curve represents the degree of distortion (or lean) from the normal distribution. The bell curve example (Figure 1) represents a dataset with no skew. The lean can be either positive or negative, depending upon whether the tail of the data is to the left or right.

There are some examples of skewness based on individual years in Figure 2 (animated). In 1984, the pricing of wheat followed very closely to a normal distribution, with most daily prices within 1 standard deviation of the mean. In 1976, there was a strong negative distribution with prices heavily skewed above the mean and in 2017 the lean was positive with prices skewed lower.

In Figure 3, I have calculated the annual skewness on the daily spot price for Chicago wheat futures from 1973 to present. Prices have overwhelmingly been skewed towards the positive. There have only been eleven years when the skew has been negative and seven of those years have been prior to 1990. This means that in most years since 1973, the daily price has been skewed lower.

What does it mean/next week?:

On an annual basis, the Chicago wheat contract has spent most years with a positive skew. This means that prices have trended lower than the mean.

This could point towards the importance of growers hedging when prices are strong. As the market tends to trade with positive skewness, we would expect prices to trend lower than the mean.

Key Points

  • Skewness represents the ‘lean’ from the normal distribution.
  • Positive skewness in wheat pricing shows that the distribution leans to the lower side of the normal distribution, and vice versa for negative skewness.
  • There have only been eleven negative price skews since 1973 (including the current year).

Is the market right for a forward contract?

It is important to keep an eye on the market for pricing opportunities, especially beyond the current season.

In the past few years, there have been excellent opportunities at this point of the year to lock in strong futures levels, especially offshore. How does it stack up for producers at the moment?

Firstly, let’s look at CBOT wheat. After a strong rally the market has stalled whilst awaiting new data. At present that market is not yet at the highs of last year, but with corn acreage likely to be radically altered in the coming weeks. This makes an opportune time to start putting together a strategy for pricing.

At present the Chicago wheat market is in contango (Figure 1), which means that forward months of the market are at a premium to the spot (present) market. The December wheat contract is currently trading at A$273/mt. Taking out a futures contract (or swap) at this level will protect you from any downside in the futures market, whilst still retaining any exposure to basis. We expect that basis will remain quite strong this year in many parts of the country due to an average crop coming off the back of a poor crop.

However, when we look further out to next December (2020), we can see that the futures contract is trading at A$293/mt. This may be a more attractive proposition when using CBOT futures as it provides a level which will most likely end with an overall price well above A$300/mt when basis is added.

CBOT is a good tool for using, but there are also the ASX futures, which have been gaining more volume in recent times – as drought has bit. The ASX contract has fallen in recent weeks as local conditions improve and consumers step back from the market.

The contracts for both Jan 2020 and Jan 2021 (figure 2) are both trading at similar levels of A$322 and A$317 respectively. A far cry from last September when our advice was to lock in contracts at A$370-380. However, this does still provide levels which are reasonably attractive.

What does it mean/next week?:

Price risk management is not about hitting the top of the market, it is about locking in a level or protecting yourself from adverse movements.

I tend to advocate a small bite size approach, where you take small positions in the market when it is attractive. This will protect you from downside whilst still providing some opportunity to participate in any upside.

Key Points

  • Chicago wheat futures are offering A$273 for this December and A$293 for the following.
  • ASX wheat futures are offering A$322 for this January and A$317 for the following.

Lamb rally not done yet

Remember last year when lamb prices moved through 800¢ and we thought it couldn’t go much further?  We have had a case of Déjà vu this year, although prices were 100¢ higher, and this week have continued to rally.

Lamb prices didn’t just creep higher either, the Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator (ESTLI) rallied 37¢ to hit a new record of 945¢/kg cwt on Thursday. The ESTLI still hasn’t managed to catch the East Coast Heavy Lamb Indicator, but it did make up some ground. The Heavy Lamb Indicator gained 15¢, and also hit a record of 973¢/kg cwt.

Over in the west, the lamb price rally has stalled and has come back to 800¢. Being a predominately export market this gives us some idea of what export lamb processors would like to be paying.

Figure 2 shows it is likely to be some time before prices are able to be pulled back if last year’s supply trend is anything to go by. All the anecdotal evidence suggests the new season lambs are nearly a month behind normal, and there are likely to be fewer than last year. The supply dearth might last until September again.

Last year the dry winter saw processors killing a lot of sheep, replacing lambs on the chains. This year sheep will be hard to find as well. While the mutton price rally has stalled, it is feasible they could still be around 600¢ in mid spring.

Next week:

Can the lamb rally continue further? Forward contracts released this week offer a pretty good target of 1000¢/kg cwt, but can old season lambs reach this level?  If lamb supply gets as tight as last year and more sheep come to the fore, we could feasibly see the ESTLI at the magic $10 mark. 

Season high for EYCI

The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) is finally having a go at its winter rally. Seasonal conditions are on the improve in the south and it appears restockers might have decided it is time to take on some risk.

The rain was concentrated in southern areas again this week, with WA, Victoria and South East SA all receiving what could be considered normal winter falls. Parts of Queensland and NSW also got some rain, but it was a long way from drought breaking.

The improving season in the south appears to have given the market some impetus. The EYCI rallied 23.5¢ for the week to hit a 2019 high of 515.5¢/kg cwt (Figure 1). The price increase didn’t extend to finished cattle, with the Heavy Steer Indicator sitting well above its young cattle counterpart.

Cow prices have responded to the wet weather, however. The National Medium Cow Indicator has gained 85¢, or 29% in three weeks, also hitting a 2019 high of 435¢/kg cwt.  Not surprisingly Victorian Cows are leading the charge (Figure 1), sitting this week at 478¢/kg cwt, but not quite as expensive as in Tasmania, where they are 497¢.

We knew cow prices had some room to move higher. Figure 2 shows the Frozen Cow 90CL export price remains close to 700¢ in our terms.  Competition between China and the US for our lean trim remains strong and is keeping a floor under prices.

Cattle slaughter has dipped lower in recent weeks.  While it is coming off a four year high, tightening supply while export prices are good will lead to higher values at the saleyard.

Next week:

The latest Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) three-month outlook, released yesterday, doesn’t offer a lot of hope for a wetter than normal spring (Figure 3). Whether you believe the BOM forecasts or not, the forecast isn’t great for store cattle prices, but does suggest finished cattle will be hard to come by for some time yet.

Buyers complete order before winter recess

The wool market is now taking the Winter recess over the next three weeks. Buyers were active as they completed delivery orders, lifting the market into a positive finish. Generally, a 10 to 40 cent lift across the individual MPG’s was observed, with the Sydney & Fremantle markets seemingly the strongest.

The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) was slightly higher on Wednesday but by the close on Thursday had found a 31 cent gain for the week to end at 1754¢/kg clean. The Australian dollar eased again to below US 70 cents closing at US$0.696 on Thursday. This resulted in the EMI in US$ terms to increase by 9 cents to end at 1,222.

The wool market opened at historically high levels in August last year, peaked in September before finding its low point at the end of the season. The EMI opened at 1990, rallied strongly into September to find a peak of 2094, before closing at 1754 this week, close to the low for the season of 1723. Across the season a fall of 11.5%.

In US$ terms, there was a similar patter, with the difference compared to the start of the season a decline of 16.4%.

34,080 bales were offered at Sydney, Melbourne & Fremantle, almost 3,000 more than last week. The pass in rate across the selling centres remained at 6.3% for the week. This meant that 31,923 bales were cleared to the trade, almost 3,000 more than last week.

In the season just completed, the drought impact was felt both in the average merino micron which for July was 18.5 microns, down 0.4 on July 2018. Also impacted was the volume of wool offered for the season. On a monthly average 32,875 bales were cleared to the trade, compared to 39,253 for last season. This represented a 16.5% decline in the total number of bales sold at auction compared to last season.

Crossbreds were amongst the strongest performers across the season, with the 30 MPG up 177 cents or 26%, while Cardings were in severe decline across the season finishing 32% lower.

This week however, the rising tide lifted all boats, Crossbreds were marginally dearer with Cardings also up and quoted in Melbourne improving 50 cents or 5.4%.

The week ahead

We now begin a three-week break. Exporters will take this opportunity to visit customers in the northern hemisphere and look to secure orders for the coming season.

The conversations will revolve around demand from retailers, and projected supply from wool producers, looking to find the match for the opening sales.

We have had reports that retail demand is soft, and we know that supply is at record low levels. Just which factor drives the opening sales is not clear making for another interesting wool market opening.

Weekly Wool Forwards for week ending 12th July 2019

A quiet week in the forwards market with only three trades.

One trade was dealt in 20 micron wool for August and agreed at 2,000¢. Another trade was dealt in 21 micron wool for September and agreed at 1,975¢. The remaining trade was dealt for 28 micron wool, agreeing at 955¢ for December.

Forwards prices are playing yo-yo over the next 6 months or so, a reflection of the physical market of late. Uncertainty is creating market volatility, and it seems like no-one really knows where it’s going to end up. As the new auction season begins and we start to see volumes and quality presented, the forwards market should regain some composure.

WASDE, Burgundy & Dry outlook

The bulk of the world’s wheat crop is produced in the northern hemisphere, if something goes wrong there it can have a colossal impact upon pricing. Overnight the USDA released their July WASDE report. In this week’s comment, we will look at who the winners and losers were.

The overall picture for wheat is shown in figure 1. In the coming season production and stocks are expected to be at record highs. World production is however down 9.3mmt, and big chunks of the reduction are coming from export states.

  • Australia -1.5mmt
  • EU -2.5mmt
  • Russia -3.8mmt
  • Ukraine -1mmt
  • Canada -1.2mmt

This has resulted in the futures market posting solid gains overnight (A$7.80), which will likely flow through to local prices today.

In producing the WASDE report, the USDA have continued to use the acreage figures from the heavily disputed June acreage report (see here). As they will be resurveying the US producers over the coming month, it largely means that corn supply figures will be extremely dubious until the next USDA update. Although most traders and analysts will be making their own assumptions on the acreage planted to corn, there is still likely to be fireworks when more legitimate data is released.

Although anecdotal we received some promising crop news from our current EU correspondent. David Skipper, one of our trusted contacts and general manager of Tap Agri Co (Tasmanian Grain Handler) has sent us some reports back from his trip to France with the following comments:

I can confirm that the wheat, barley and canola crops are huge and in magnificent condition. The French (in the burgundy region) are now harvesting and crops are thick and heavy. I saw one wheat crop that had fallen over in some parts of the paddock.  I don’t think the French need to worry about crop yields this year. (Pictures)

The Bureau of Meteorology released their three-month outlook yesterday. It was quite bleak with drier than average conditions expected across much of the wheat belt. Long range weather forecasts at times have to be taken with a pinch of salt, however it remains concerning.

What does it mean/next week?:
The market in Australia is likely to see a rebound as it digests both the rise in overseas futures and the prospect of dry weather over the next three months.

ESTLI pushing through 900¢ again

Just yesterday we released a piece on the prospect of a late Winter rally for the Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator (ESTLI), signalling a test towards 935¢ this month. So far east coast markets are behaving compliantly, with the key lamb indicator finishing the week at 908¢/kg cwt.

Read the analysis on the Winter rally prospect here.

Despite the strong finish for the east coast Trade Lambs, they aren’t the most expensive category of lamb across the eastern states. Heavy Lambs rallied nearly 3% on the week to take the dearest lamb category prize at 958¢/kg cwt (Figure 1).

A breakdown of the state figures shows that NSW continues to drive the east coast prices higher, particularly for Trade and Heavy lambs with each category ending the week at 919¢ and 965¢, respectively. Compared to Victoria, NSW Trade Lamb is sitting 37¢ higher (Figure 2).

Delving further into the NSW figures, a wide price gap is appearing between these categories across the north and south of the state. This suggests that the dry conditions continuing to hamper the north are impacting on relative quality and volumes at the saleyard. Northern NSW Heavy Lambs are fetching 835¢ compared to 977¢ in the south of NSW, while Northern Trade Lambs are at 784¢ compared to 937¢ in the southern regions.

The National Mutton Indicator (NMI) managed to claw higher too this week, despite the best efforts of the WA mutton indicator acting as the deadweight to the national average. The NMI gained 1.2% to close at 585¢, while in the west mutton prices slid 13% to 416¢.

Seemingly the lack of live export buying interest in WA is hampering lamb and sheep markets over there, with all categories reported by MLA in decline this week. That is, except for WA Heavy Lamb which managed to creep up 6¢ to end at 842¢/kg cwt.

Next week?

There is more rain scheduled for Victoria and the south western tip of WA, but limited falls to SA and NSW again for the week ahead (Figure 3). As outlined in our analysis on the prospect of a late Winter rally, there is a chance for a final spurt higher towards the 935-950¢ level for the ESTLI during July, but there are signals we aren’t too far from peaking this season.